Symptoms of Low Emotional Resilience

Picture of Dr.Aya Akkari

Dr.Aya Akkari

Founder of lead from your soul

About Aya

Research revealed that resilient people exhibit similar traits, including “a positive outlook, self-esteem, self-efficacy, critical thinking and planning skills, and ability to delay gratification and focus on long-term goals, good social skills, and a sense of humor.” [1]

Symptoms of Low Emotional Resilience

You are an innovative, successful, high-achieving executive, business owner, or professional. On the outside, your life looks great. But, on the inside, it is a different story. Your eyes are drooping and have a marbled effect with dark puffy circles underneath. You are at your wit’s end. Your heart beats slowly, and nothing excites you anymore. Your chest is heavy as if you are climbing up hill. Your hunched shoulders feel burdened with the dread of facing another day. You feel like you are drowning in a sea of dreary thoughts and feelings. It is as if you are an empty shell, existing only for the sake of doing so but not truly living.

Our resilience fluctuates. We are less resilient when tired or stressed. It is helpful to know the symptoms of low resilience so you can recognize it in yourself and others and take the correct actions to address the problem. It is wise to address the problem before you get to the point where everything falls apart and you face burnout. There are several giveaway signs you may be on the verge of burnout.

 Mental symptoms:

1.     Poor memory or forgetfulness makes it hard to master new skills or learn a new language.

2.     Lack of motivation or interest- you experience apathy and have no interest or feel like you have no time for nonwork-related activities.

3.     A sense of despair- you feel helpless and do not see a way out of your situation. You find it hard to plan and solve problems, which can manifest as cynicism and indifference.

4.     Procrastination- you are overwhelmed with fear and self-doubt and lack the clarity to get things done.

Physical symptoms:

1.     Insomnia and difficulty falling asleep are prevalent symptoms of low emotional resilience. Trouble sleeping was the primary complaint for one of my clients, and after two sessions of emotional resilience coaching and mentoring, she reported being able to sleep better. Also, another client sent me this message after our very first coaching session:

“Thank you so much for the session! I was feeling really good and fell asleep afterward! I feel much more okay with speaking up for myself (I did that today even though I felt shaky). I feel closer to being okay to post something more authentic but just figuring out the way. Awesome session again, thank you.” Those suffering from inconsistent sleep habits tend to take medication and focus on finding ways for better sleep, not realizing that all they need to do is develop resilience.

2.     Exhaustion-you feel exhausted, worn down, and struggling to keep up with simple tasks and responsibilities.

3.     Appetite changes- you may lose your appetite for food and life. In addition, some may indulge n in emotional eating, which can harm their overall health.

4.     Poor health in the form of persistent illness. Our psychological health affects our physical health. Our immunity gets suppressed, and we are more susceptible to infections. I attended a seminar at the Annual International Coaching Federation conference, and the guest speaker was Joyce Odidison, a conflict analyst. She noticed that most people in organizations that have ongoing conflict have health issues such as dyspepsia, digestive problems, high blood pressure, and several other chronic conditions that are exacerbated by stress and low resilience.

Check out the upcoming article for the emotional symptoms of low resilience!

Reach out and connect!

I will help you peel off the layers and unearth the secret “resistor” to abundance lurking in the deepest recesses of your mind so that you can truly let go of the old to receive the abundance and blessings of the present moment. To work with me in developing a leadership roadmap for you and your team, book a free strategy call at

Elevating your leadership is not easy, which is where I come in. I help you uncover your Why, build resilience, attract abundance, create effortless success, and design a leadership roadmap specific to your needs. In addition, I provide you with accountability, check-ins, evidenced-based coaching, and professional support from a certified leadership coach credentialed by the International Coaching Federation, an organizational leadership specialist, and an emotional resilience mentor and trainer.

To download my free goal-setting workbook and guidebook, go to:

You can also join the list for my upcoming book “Lead From Your Soul: The Four Worldviews of Inspiring Leaders.”

Come with me; let’s lead together!

I empower busy and ambitious executives, business owners, and professionals to go from existing to living so they can gain clarity on their purpose, unlock their potential, and elevate their leadership. I am a certified leadership Coach credentialed by the International Coaching Federation; I have graduated with Honors with a master’s degree in organizational leadership and am a certified emotional resilience, Mentor and Trainer. The Honor Society of the National University nominated me as a presidential member of the National Society of Leadership and Success. I am also a professional Speaker and published Author. In addition, I have had the pleasure of establishing coaching relationships with leaders from different organizations. 


Kelley, T. M., & Pransky, J. (2013). Principle for realizing resilience: A new view of trauma and inner resilience. Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders & Treatment, 2(1). Retrieved March 25, 2022

Are you ready for your community of leaders to be emotionally & spiritually resilient?

Book a time to speak to Aya Akkari about how you can implement our programs in your organization. There are several ways we can work together, book a call so we can work it out!

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