Why Lead from your soul ?

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Dr. Aya Akkari founded Lead From Your Soul to address the needs of leaders globally to reawaken their inner wisdom and connect with their innate wellbeing. We are all leaders in some manner or form. We are all the shepherds of our flocks! And to step up as transformational leaders, we must first connect with ourselves and our higher purpose. Emotional resilience is crucial for a healthy leadership model. A busy mind clouds judgment and negatively impacts decision-making, relationships, and productivity. When leaders understand and internalize how their minds work, they are empowered to transform their lives and the lives of those they lead. Leadership competencies are more attainable in confident, resilient, and aware individuals.

Vision: To create a mindful connected world full of compassion, peace, and abundance.

Mission: We empower leaders to lead from their souls through conscious awareness via mentoring and coaching to inspire positive change. We help leaders go from stress and chaos to calm, clarity, and confidence through understanding how their human experience is created.


We believe…

  1. That conscious leadership is crucial for building strong, thriving, healthy communities.
  2. That every human being is whole, creative, and resourceful. No one is broken.
  3. In lifelong learning fueled by curiosity and the willingness to explore and inquire.
  4. In courage, creativity, and pushing boundaries to challenge what is possible.
  5. In a holistic approach to wealth that incorporates emotional, spiritual, and material wealth.
  6. Believe that innate well-being integrates mind, body, and spirit.
  7. Believe in the core principles of wise leadership that are founded in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The founder of Lead From Your Soul, Dr. Aya Akkari, is a Certified Leadership Coach credentialed by the International Coaching Federation, an Organizational Leadership Consultant, and an Emotional Resilience Mentor, Professional Speaker, and Published Author with over 20 years of Leadership experience. She helps ambitious professionals, executives, and change leaders EXCEL through her “Leadership Mastery System.” She specializes in assisting leaders in beating burnout, enhancing their performance and productivity, and mastering the art of work-life balance.

As your executive wellness coach and organizational leadership consultant, I’m here to help you awaken your innate well-being and bring you back in harmony with life. I’ve walked a path of burnout and self-discovery and am ready to guide you on your journey. Have you ever felt like time is slipping through your fingers, leaving you overwhelmed and disconnected from your true desires? I’ve been there, and I know how it feels. I will help you learn how to access peak performance without pressure, fear, or stress.

When I was 20, my health crashed to the point where I was unable to walk, and my life as I knew it crumbled. It was a life-altering experience, and I understand the feeling of being paralyzed, whether physically, emotionally, or professionally. But I found my guide, and it made all the difference. Now, I want to be your guide in your own journey.

I’ll assist you in unblocking yourself and embracing all that is you so you can drop the struggle. Together, we will explore what you desire most and your ‘why’ and develop a strategic plan to get you there.I offer a unique approach to emotional resilience and leadership development. In 2023, I was honored with a presidential membership in the National Society of Leadership and Success, the United States’ largest leadership honor society. In 2018, I graduated with honors with a postgraduate degree in organizational leadership. I have also completed a 12-month emotional resilience mentorship certification.  



Aya is leadership and emotional resilience mentor and coach and founder of Lead from Your Soul. Her mission is to empower leaders to lead from their souls through conscious awareness. She is the married mother of four wonderful children. She was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and is currently based in Tampa FL. Aya’s combination of formal and informal education along with her diverse personal and professional experience have given her a unique worldview and approach to the topic of emotional resilience and leadership. Aya is a dentist by trade, she graduated from Trinity College Dublin. As an undergraduate dental student, Aya was awarded first prize in the Hatton Competition and Awards run by the International Association for Dental Research for her research project on the surface treatment of dental implants. She was also presented with the Costello Medal for dental research in the Joint Irish and British Dental Associations research competition.

In May 2023, I released my book, “Lead From Your Soul: The 4 Worldviews of Inspiring Leaders,” which has already received acclaim as a #1 new release in leadership and management. It’s a guide to awaken the leader within and create a more profound and meaningful sense of being alive. It is available on Amazon and on https://drayaakkari.com/resources/

Before starting a coaching practice, I worked as a high-performing healthcare professional and team leader. Ultimately, leadership within the healthcare profession includes being compassionate, listening to others, and communicating effectively with team members and patients. A dedicated award winner claimed first prize in the Unilever Hatton Research Competition and conferred with Costello Memorial Medal.

My mission is to bust the myth that stress and struggle are prerequisites to success. I use a profound and practical approach by gently pointing you to your own wisdom. My clients have found calm, clarity, and empowerment through my use of insight-based learning.

The truth is, you are the hero of your journey. My job is to partner with you on your journey to allow for a profound and powerful shift so you can transform your relationships and live a happier life.

Are you ready to be happy despite everything? Book a call Now!

The understanding I use for emotional wellness is backed by 40 years of research. For references on the evidence-based research articles please go to: https://drayaakkari.com/supporting-evidence/

Are you ready for your community of leaders to be intellectually & emotionally aware?

“With wisdom people see beyond the filters and biases of race and culture, to realize the beauty in everyone. Such understanding enables people to stop fearing and distrusting those who are different, to see the commonality of human beings regardless of cultural differences.”
-Sydney Banks.

Our main purpose is to disseminate a model of conscious leadership that does not only address key leadership behavior patterns and skill sets but also dives deep into the core of what it means to be a conscious transformational leader. 

Mindful leadership is not just about the doing, it is also about the Being.

“If there is a problem and you are the leader, then, you are the problem. The good news is if you are the problem then you are the solution.”

-Steve Chandler.

Are you ready for your community of leaders to be emotionally resilient?

Book a time to speak to Aya Akkari about how you can implement our programs in your organization. There are several ways we can work together, book a call so we can work it out!