Lead From Your Soul: Why Should Leaders Care About Resilience?

Picture of Dr.Aya Akkari

Dr.Aya Akkari

Founder of lead from your soul

About Aya

According to a recent article in Forbes, a company’s ‘Resilience Quotient,’ which measures its employees’ emotional resilience, is the most important metric because it is key to the organization’s long-term survival. Hence, it is the most essential skill to thrive at work [1]. As my mentor says, “business is a spiritual game, but the gameboard is emotional.” The American Psychological Association defines resilience as: “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, threats or significant sources of stress- such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, the workplace, and financial stressors [5].”


As an emotional resilience coach and mentor, I help you ride the myriad of stressors that come as part and parcel of life while empowering you to find your purpose in life, understand your priorities, and plan to translate your dreams into reality. I will partner with you so you can achieve more fulfillment and harmony, appreciate the vicissitudes of life, persevere against hardships, and fully enjoy the happy moments. You will learn to embrace all of your feelings and experiences, becoming more aware and able to communicate your emotions throughout this journey. You will learn how to cultivate gratitude for all the blessings bestowed upon you and gain an appreciation for your strengths. This understanding will spark a paradigm shift into one of emotional and mental well-being as you go from existing to living.


Workplace Stress is the Leading Cause of Job Dissatisfaction and High Turnover


Stressed employees and leaders who feel unappreciated or undervalued are likely to leave their jobs. A study by Gallup, titled “This Fixable Problem Costs US businesses $1 Trillion”, estimates the cost of employee replacement can be anywhere from “tens of thousands of dollars to 1.5 – 2 times an employee’s annual salary.[4]”  


           52% of voluntarily resigning staff members feel that their managers and organizational leadership could have done something to keep them from quitting their jobs. They expressed ill feelings because nobody inquired about how they felt about their current job situation in the months before their leaving, and no one showed concern about their future. It is more about empathy than it is about money. Although staff turnover is part of the natural cycle of an organization, a high turnover rate can be costly and disruptive as the organization loses some of its best and most reliable talents. Experts predict that in an organization with 100 employees, where the average salary is 50,000, the turnover and replacement costs can range from $660,000 to $2.6 million per year [4].


What Problems Do I Solve?


Among the issues addressed as part of the coaching program are:

·        Stress

·        Anxiety

·        Overwhelm

·        Burnout

·        Poor performance

·        Low self-esteem

·        A negative attitude toward life

·        Low confidence

·        Low motivation

·        Lack of purpose

·        Insecurities

·        Fear in all of its forms, including fear of ceasing to exist.

·        Negative thinking patterns.


Kelley and Pransky elaborated on the diverse forms of unhealthy thinking patterns. For example, some people learn to “Worry, obsess, ruminate, repress. Others learn to think suspiciously, angrily, judgmentally, righteously, egotistically. Some cultivate busy, overly analytical minds [3]”.


Resilience will empower you to overcome the six basic human fears described by Napoleon Hill in his book ‘Think and Grow Rich.’ They are “fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of loved ones, fear of old age, fear of death. [2]” As you embark on this journey, the paradigm shift will empower you to uncover your innate resilience. It is not a coping mechanism or a Band-Aid solution; but rather a fundamental change in understanding your human experience.


In a coaching session this week, my client looked pale and rundown. She shared that her painful digestive symptoms have intensified over the last week. She looked distressed and wanted to find calm and clarity. We discussed how her physical pain could contribute to emotional distress, exacerbating her physical symptoms as it becomes a vicious cycle. We explored how she can help break that cycle through awareness and understanding how her thinking about her condition can intensify her suffering. We focused the coaching conversation on what she could do to help ease her pain. She enumerated several things that have worked in the past. When asked what might have triggered her symptoms, she exclaimed, “I don’t know’ and I reassured her that she does not have to know right now. “It’s okay to rest in not knowing because you cannot force wisdom. The insight you need will come at the right time,” she nodded agreeably.


Reach out and connect!


I will help you peel off the layers and unearth the secret “resistor” to abundance lurking in the deepest recesses of your mind so that you can truly let go of the old to receive the abundance and blessings of the present moment. To work with me in developing a leadership roadmap for you and your team, book a free strategy call at




Elevating your leadership is not easy, which is where I come in. I help you uncover your Why, build resilience, attract abundance, create effortless success, and design a leadership roadmap specific to your needs. In addition, I provide you with accountability, check-ins, evidenced-based coaching, and professional support from a certified leadership coach credentialed by the International Coaching Federation, an organizational leadership specialist, and an emotional resilience mentor and trainer.


To download my free goal-setting workbook and guidebook, go to:




You can also join the list for my upcoming book “Lead From Your Soul: The Four Worldviews of Inspiring Leaders.”




Come with me; let’s lead together!


I empower busy and ambitious executives, business owners, and professionals to go from existing to living so they can gain clarity on their purpose, unlock their potential, and elevate their leadership. I am a doctor and a certified leadership coach credentialed by the International Coaching Federation; I have earned a master’s degree in organizational leadership and am a certified emotional resilience mentor and trainer. In addition, I have had the pleasure of establishing coaching relationships with leaders from different organizations. 


#leadfromyoursoul #abundancemindset #mindsetmatters #successmindset #stressiskillingus 

#resilientleadership #authenticleadership #leadfromtheinsideout #wisdomwithin #freeyourmind 




1.     Bruce, J. (2018, August 7). The single most important skill you need to thrive at work. Retrieved from Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/janbruce/2018/08/07/the-single-most-important-skill-you-need-to-thrive-at-work/?sh=622f98056be9

2.      Hill, N. (2003). Think and grow rich. New York: Penguin Group.

3.      Kelley, T. M., & Pransky, J. (2013). Principle for realizing resilience: A new view of trauma and inner resilience. Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders & Treatment, 2(1). Retrieved March 25, 2022

4.      Mckeely, S., & Wigert, B. (2019, March 13). Workplace. Retrieved from GALLUP: https://www.gallup.com/workplace/247391/fixable-problem-costs-businesses-trillion.aspx

5.      Resilience. (2020, February 1). Retrieved from American Psychological Association: https://www.apa.org/topics/resilience

Are you ready for your community of leaders to be emotionally & spiritually resilient?

Book a time to speak to Aya Akkari about how you can implement our programs in your organization. There are several ways we can work together, book a call so we can work it out!

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